Experimental functions

Collaboration diagram for Experimental functions:

Miscellaneous auxiliary functions

string I2S (int input)
 convert integer to string
string F2S (float input)
 convert float to string
void Error (string report)
 prints an error report into the terminal window and aborts the experiment
int WinWidth ()
 returns window's width
int WinHeight ()
 returns window's height
int WinFramerate ()
 returns window's framerate, you better check that it returns correct values before using it!
int Iran (int max)
 generates an integer random number [0 max]
double Fran (double max)
 generates a double random number (0 max)
int Iran1 (int max)
 a more advanced random number function (use if the random number should be random at all bits)
double Fran1 (double max)
 a more advanced random number function
int BinRan (int n_trials, double prob_success)
 returns a binomially distributed random variable, i.e. the number of successes in n_trials trials with the probability of success prob_success in each trial
int PoissonRan (double poisson_rate)
 returns a Poisson distributed random variable for the Poisson process with rate poisson_rate
double NormalRan (double mean, double stdv)
 returns a normally distributed random variable with mean mean and standard deviation stdv
double GammaRan (int n_events, double poisson_rate)
 returns a gamma distributed random variable, i.e the waiting time for n_events in the Poisson process with rate poisson_rate
void ShuffleArray (int i0, int n, int *arr)
 shuffle the next n elements starting from i0
void ShuffleArray (int i0, int n, double *arr)
 shuffle the next n elements starting from i0

Output functions

void SaveResults (string filename)
 save experimental results into a file defined by the filename parameter
void SaveResults ()
 the same with the default filename (experiment-name_YYMMDD-HHMM.dat)

Functions controlling the main window

void SetWindow (int x, int y, int width, int height, int argc, char **argv, double bgrR, double bgrG, double bgrB, double gamma=1, int video_fl=0, double src_alpha=1)
 open the main experimental window of the given size at the specified location
void SetWindow (int x, int y, int width, int height, int argc, char **argv, double bgr=0, double gamma=1, int viedo_fl=0, double src_alpha=1)
 the same as above for a gray-scale background defined by the luminance parameter bgr
void SetWindow (int argc, char **argv, double bgrR, double bgrG, double bgrB, double gamma=1, int video_fl=0, double src_alpha=1)
 open the main experimental window in the fullscreen mode
void SetWindow (int argc, char **argv, double bgr=0, double gamma=1, int video_fl=0, double src_alpha=1)
 the same as above for for a gray-scale background defined by the luminance parameter bgr
void MaskRectangle (double x, double y, double width, double height)
 places a rectangular occluder mask over the window
void MaskCircle (double x, double y, double radius, int flag=OUTSIDE)
 places a circlular occluder mask over the window
void MaskShape (double *x, double *y, unsigned int number_of_vertices, int flag=OUTSIDE)
 places an arbitraly shaped occluder mask over the window
void SetObjects (void prepare())
 prepare user-defined pixmaps
void Clear (double r, double g, double b)
 clear screen with color (r, g, b)
void Clear (double l)
 clear screen with gray-scale color (l, l, l)
void Clear ()
 clear with the background color (BgrR, BgrG, BgrB), or Bgr
void ClearBoth ()
 clear both buffers with the background color
void SwapBuffers ()
 swap back and front buffers
void PostRedisplay ()
 demand to run display function in the next iteration of the main event loop
void Show ()
 show the stimulus (swap the front and back buffers)
void Show (double time)
 show for the specified time (in milliseconds)
void ShowTestTiming (double time)
 test show timing (time in milliseconds)
void ShowClear (double time)
 show for the specified time and clear screen afterwards
void LineWidth (double width)
 set the line width in pixels for line objects

Functions controlling the experimental flow

void Run (void display(), int exp_flags=0, int adapt=ADAPT_SETS, int adapt_fl=ADAPT_LOG, int n_signal=31, double signal_min=0.005, double signal_max=1., int n_thr=31, double thr_min=0.005, double thr_max=1., int n_slope=1, double slope_min=1.5, double slope_max=1.5, double miss_rate=0.01)
 run the experiment
void Proceed ()
 wait for a user response
int Confirm ()
 check that the next trial was initialized with a middle mouse button press
void SetTrials (int n_sets, int n_configs, int n_trials, int shuffle_flag=RANDOM)
 shuffle the array of experimental trials
void Beep (void)
 sound system alert once
void MediumBeep (void)
 sound system alert twice
void LongBeep (void)
 sound system alert three times in a row
void Sleep (double time)
 sleep in milliseconds
int GetTime ()
 time elapsed from the beginning of the experiment (milliseconds)
void StartTimer (void)
 start the experiment timer
int StopTimer (void)
 stop the experiment timer, return the elapsed time (milliseconds).
void StartMotion (int)
 start stimulus motion
void StopMotion (int)
 stop stimulus motion

Function Documentation

int Confirm (  ) 

Use this function to allow observers initiate the next trial by middle mouse click, e.g. in the display function:

  if( Confirm() == CONFIRM_OK )
     display the stimulus...

void MaskCircle ( double  x,
double  y,
double  radius,
int  flag = OUTSIDE 

Places a circular occluder mask over the window using the OpenGL stencil test. Stencil buffering has to be supported by the videocard. This function should be called just once from the SetObjects() function.

x x-coordinate of the circle's center
y y-coordinate of the circle's center
radius the circle's radius
occlusion mask's visibility scheme: if flag=OUTSIDE (default) the inside of the circle is transparent, the outside is opaque, if flag=INSIDE then the outside is transparent, the inside is opaque

void MaskRectangle ( double  x,
double  y,
double  width,
double  height 

Places a rectangular occluder mask over the window using the OpenGL scissor test. This function might work faster than the other masking functions based on the OpenGL stencil test. This function should be called just once from the SetObjects() function.

x x-coordinate of the rectangle's center
y y-coordinate of the rectangle's center
width rectangle's width
height rectangle's height n the outside is transparent, the inside is opaque

void MaskShape ( double *  x,
double *  y,
unsigned int  number_of_vertices,
int  flag = OUTSIDE 

Places an arbitraly shaped occluder mask over the window using the OpenGL stencil test. The shape is defined by an array of vertices, which are connected by straight line segments. The last vertex is connected to the first vertex to form a closed shape. This function should be called just once from the SetObjects() function.

x an array of x-coordinates of the shape's vertices
y an array of y-coordinates of the shape's vertices
number_of_vertices the number of vertices in the polygon
mask mask's visibility scheme: if OUTSIDE (default) the inside of the shape is transparent, the outside is opaque, if flag=INSIDE then the outside is transparent, the inside is opaque

void Run ( void   display(),
int  exp_flags = 0,
int  adapt = ADAPT_SETS,
int  adapt_fl = ADAPT_LOG,
int  n_signal = 31,
double  signal_min = 0.005,
double  signal_max = 1.,
int  n_thr = 31,
double  thr_min = 0.005,
double  thr_max = 1.,
int  n_slope = 1,
double  slope_min = 1.5,
double  slope_max = 1.5,
double  miss_rate = 0.01 

Run the experiment according to the following parameters:

display() the name of the display function
exp_flags various Experimental flags linked together by the '|' symbol
adapt what thresholds will be adaptively measured ADAPT_SETS, ADAPT_CONFIGS, ADAPT_SETS_CONFIGS
adapt_fl ADAPT_LIN or ADAPT_LOG (default) adaptation scheme
n_signal number of steps for signal sampling
signal_min minimal signal
signal_max maximal signal
n_thr number of bins for the threshold probability distribution
thr_min minimal threshold in the pdf
thr_max maximal threshold in the pdf
n_slope number of bins for the slope probability distribution
slope_min minimal slope
slope_max maximal slope
miss_rate a parameter that defines the observer's error rate

void SetObjects ( void   prepare()  ) 

This function should be called only after the SetTrials() and SetWindow() functions were called. It allocates memory (either ordinary or video) and fills it with object pixmaps for the objects in the prepare() function.

prepare The name of the function which calls MakeObject() functions to create various objects. The prepare function should not have any parameters.

void SetTrials ( int  n_sets,
int  n_configs,
int  n_trials,
int  shuffle_flag = RANDOM 

This function allocates various experimental arrays and does all the necessary trial shuffling as specified by the shuffle_flag. An experiment is organized at the three levels:

  • Sets
  • Configurations (the same number for each set)
  • Trials (the same number for each configuration)

Thus, an experiment has Sets x Configurations x Trials exponential design, the total number of trials given by n_sets x n_configs x n_trials.

n_sets number of sets
n_configs number of configurations in each set
n_trials number of trials in each configuration
shuffle_flag one of the Trials setting flags, e.g. RANDOM, ORDERED, ...

void SetWindow ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
int  argc,
char **  argv,
double  bgrR,
double  bgrG,
double  bgrB,
double  gamma = 1,
int  video_fl = 0,
double  src_alpha = 1 

Set position, dimensions, and properties of the main experimental window.

x x-coordinate of the upper left corner
y y-coordinate of the upper left corner
width window width
height window height
argc counter for the main() function arguments
argv this parameter is passed by the main() function. It determines the name of the experiment and other parameters
bgrR background Red component
bgrG background Green component
bgrB background Blue component
gamma gamma correction coefficient for the screen
video_fl various Video settings flags linked together by the '|' symbol
src_alpha transparency of the object being overlayed. This parameter is only effective when BLEND_ADD or BLEND_TRANSPARENT video flags are chosen.

Generated on Fri Feb 27 14:19:21 2009 for PEACH by  doxygen 1.5.6