Video settings flags

Collaboration diagram for Video settings flags:

Video settings flags

#define VIEW_2D   0
 view a 2D scene (default)
#define VIEW_3D_ORTHO   0100
 view a 3D scene using orthographic projection
#define VIEW_3D_PERSP   0200
 view a 3D scene using perspective projection
#define ANG_DEG   0
 measure angles in degrees (default)
#define ANG_PI   0100000
 measure angles in radians
#define DST_DEG   0
 measure space in degrees
#define DST_PIX   010000
 measure space in pixels
#define NO_BLEND   0
 do not blend objects when they overlap (default)
#define BLEND_ADD   01000
 blend overlapping objects by adding their pixel intensities
#define BLEND_TRANSPARENT   02000
 blend overlapping objects transparently
#define NO_STEREO   0
 no stereo rendering to be used (default)
#define STEREO_SPLIT   010
 implement stereo by splitting the window into left and right eye halfs
#define STEREO_COLOR_RG   020
 implement stereo by showing the left-eye image in red and the right-image image in green
#define STEREO_COLOR_RB   030
 implement stereo by showing the left-eye image in red and the right-image image in blue
#define STEREO_GOGGLES   040
 implement stereo by showing the left-eye image and the right-eye image in interleved video-frames (a stereo-enabled videocard, e.g. NVIDIA Quadro, and shutter glasses, e.g. StereoGraphics CrystalEyes are needed)
#define BITS8   0
 8 bits pixel depth (default)
#define BITS10   01
 10 bits pixel depth by 2x2 pixel-block dithering
#define BITSPP   02
 14 bits pixel depth when used with BITS++ CRS hardware in MONO++ regime

Define Documentation

#define BITS8   0

Regular video cards store pixel information in 3 bytes: one byte per RGB color. This allows to simultaneously display only 256 levels of gray on the screen or less, if gamma-correction was done. PEACH can extend this number to 10 bits per pixel (1024 levels) by 2x2 pixel-block dithering (BITS10), or to 14 bits when used with BITS++ Cambridge Research Systems hardware (BITSPP).

#define BLEND_ADD   01000

In RGBA mode, pixels can be drawn using a function that blends the incoming (source) RGBA values with the RGBA values that are already in the frame buffer (the destination values). Blending is disabled by default. Use BLEND_ADD flag to enable blending if you want to add two objects without making them transparent.

#define BLEND_TRANSPARENT   02000

In RGBA mode, pixels can be drawn using a function that blends the incoming (source) RGBA values with the RGBA values that are already in the frame buffer (the destination values). Blending is disabled by default. Use BLEND_TRANSPARENT flag to enable blending if you want to transparently overlay two objects.

#define NO_BLEND   0

No blending will be done when two objects overlap. The laterst object drawn will overwrite the previous objects, where they overlap.

Generated on Fri Feb 27 14:19:22 2009 for PEACH by  doxygen 1.5.6