Experimental variables

Collaboration diagram for Experimental variables:


float Cm2px
 cm -> pixels conversion coefficient
float Deg2px
 degrees -> pixels conversion coefficient
float Deg2pxk
 the same for spatial frequency conversion from cpd to cycles per pixel
float Deg2pi
 degrees -> radians conversion coefficient
float ViewingDistance
 viewing distance
float ScreenWidth
 screen width in cm
float ScreenHeight
 screen height in cm
int NSets
 number of experimental sets
int NConfigs
 number of experimental configurations
int NTrials
 number of trials for each set and configuration
int Set
 set number
int Configuration
 configuration number
int & Config
 a shorthand alias for the configuration number
int Trial
 trial number
int * Trials
 the full experimental array of trial numbers
int ** Responses
 array of subject's responses
int ** RespTimes
 array of subject's response times
double ** RespLocations
 array of subject's response locations (pointer x and y positions)
int ** Correct
 array of response flags (1 for correct, 0 for wrong)
int AnswerMult [3]
 correct answers array for each trial (-1, 0, 1) or (LEFT, MIDDLE, RIGHT) for mouse buttons
int & Answer
 correct answer for single-task experiments
double AnswerAreaMult [3][4]
 correct area (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) for pointer click for each POINTER task
double * AnswerArea
 a reference to the first row of the AnswerAreaMult for single-task experiments
int Count
 trials counter
int Tframe
 frame count within a trial
double Gamma
 monitor's Gamma
double BgrR
 background color red value
double BgrG
 background color green value
double BgrB
 background color blue value
double Bgr
 background color luminance value
double & Signal
 signal output of the Kontsevitch & Tyler algorithm for the next trial;
double SignalMult [3]
 the same for a multi-task trial (up to 3 signals)
string Greeting
 greeting/instruction displayed at the beginning of an experiment
map< string, float > p
 an array of user-defined experimental parameters, which will appear in the UI window

Variable Documentation

map<string,float> p

The p array holds user-defined variables: their names and values. Descriptive one-word names should be used for the parameter names. The values set in the experiment's .cpp file will be used as default parameters in the UI window the first time that the experiment is launched.

Generated on Fri Feb 27 14:19:26 2009 for PEACH by  doxygen 1.5.6