Experimental flags

Collaboration diagram for Experimental flags:

Experimental control flags

#define FEEDBACK   0
 Turn on response feedback (default).
#define FEEDBACK1   01
 Feedback for the first task only.
#define FEEDBACK2   02
 Feedback for the second task only.
#define FEEDBACK3   03
 Feedback for the third task only.
#define NO_FEEDBACK   04
 No feedback.
#define TWOAFC   0
 Experimental response is to Left/Right click using mouse or arrow keys (default).
#define POINTER   010
 Experimental response is to point to some location and Left click.
#define TIMER   020
 Experimental response time is measured from stimulus presentation to Left click.
#define NO_RESPONSE   030
 No response expected, automatically proceeds to the next trial.
#define CORRECT   0
 Allow finger errors to be corrected (default).
#define NO_CORRECT   0100
 Do not allow any error correction.
#define NO_THRESH   0
 No threshold measurement algorithm (default).
#define PSI   010000
 Kontsevich & Tyler adaptive algorithm.
#define MCS   020000
 Method of constant stimuli.
#define PSI_C   030000
 for multiple task paradigms: only trilas with correct previous tasks are counted in the adaptive procedure
#define PSI_I   040000
 the same, but only incorrect previous tasks trials count
#define SINGLE_TASK   0
 a single-task experiment (default)
#define DUAL_TASK   01000
 a dual-task experiment
#define TRIPLE_TASK   02000
 a triple-task experiment
#define NO_ADAPT   0
 no targets for the adaptive algorithm (default)
#define ADAPT_SETS   1
 separate algortithm for each set
#define ADAPT_CONFIGS   2
 separate algorithm for each configuration
 separate algorithm for each set and configuration
#define ADAPT_LIN   0
 use linear steps in the adaptive algorithm
#define ADAPT_LOG   1
 use logarithmic steps in the adaptive algorithm (default)

Define Documentation

#define ADAPT_CONFIGS   2

A separate instance of the adaptive algorithm will run for each configuration

#define ADAPT_LIN   0

The Kontsevitch & Tyler adaptive algorithm can sample the signal space either linearly (ADAPT_LIN) or logarithmically (ADAPT_LOG). Logarithmic steps are appropriate when the threshold seeked (approximately) obeys the Weber law.

#define ADAPT_SETS   1

A separate instance of the adaptive algorithm will run for each set


A separate instance of the adaptive algorithm will run for each configuration within each set

#define NO_ADAPT   0

No instances of the adaptive algorithm will run

#define SINGLE_TASK   0

PEACH allows up to three simultaneous tasks. Observer has to indicate his/her response to each task by consequitive mouse events. Each task can have it's own adaptive algorithm.

Generated on Fri Feb 27 14:19:21 2009 for PEACH by  doxygen 1.5.6