Trials setting flags |
#define | RANDOM 0 |
| Randomly shuffle all trials in the experiment into one block: 1 x (NSets * NConfigs * NTrials) trials.
#define | ORDERED 1 |
| Do not shuffle anything: NSets x NConfigs x NTrials.
#define | RANDOM_S_ORDERED_CT 2 |
| Shuffle sets, keep configurations and trials ordered within each set: NSets x NConfigs x NTrials.
| Shuffle configurations within each set, keep sets and trials ordered: NSets x NConfigs x NTrials.
#define | ORDERED_SC_RANDOM_T 4 |
| Shuffle trials within each configuration, keep sets and configurations ordered: NSets x NConfigs x NTrials.
#define | RANDOM_SC_ORDERED_T 5 |
| Shuffle sets and configurations, keep trials for each set and configurations ordered:(NSets * NConfigs) x NTrials.
#define | ORDERED_S_RANDOM_CT 6 |
| Shuffle configurations and trials, keep sets ordered: NSets x (NConfigs * NTrials).
#define | RANDOM_CT_ORDERED_S 7 |
| Shuffle configurations and trials, keeps sets ordered: (NConfigs * NTrials) x NSets.
#define | RANDOM_T_ORDERED_SC 8 |
| Shuffle trials within each configuration, keep sets and configurations ordered: NTrials x NSets x NConfigs.
#define | RANDOM_CT_RANDOM_S 9 |
| Shuffle sets separately, shuffle configs and trials together: (NConfigs * NTrials) x NSets.
#define | RANDOM_T_RANDOM_SC 10 |
| Shuffle trials separately, shuffle sets and trials together: NTrials x (NConfigs * NSets).