Surfaces |
void | MakeSurface (double width1, double width2, double height1, double height2, double z(double x, double y), double dens) |
| makes a surface of dots at rectangular grid sites
void | MakeRSurface (double width1, double width2, double height1, double height2, double z(double x, double y), double dens) |
| the same at random locations
void | SurfaceM (double D, double phi, double theta, double psi, double z(double, double), double vx, double vy, double contrR, double contrG, double contrB) |
| draws a surface defined by motion of dots along it
void | SurfaceR (double D, double phi, double theta, double psi, double width, double contrR, double contrG, double contrB) |
| draws a surface defined by rotation
void | SurfaceB (double f, double D, double contrR, double contrG, double contrB) |
| a surface defined by disparity (split for L and R eyes on the same screen)
void | SurfaceB (double f, double D, double contr) |
| the same in gray-scale
void | SurfaceC (double f, double D, double size, double contr) |
| the same for L and R images drawn by Red and Blue guns
void | SurfaceC (double f, double D, double contr) |
| the same for L and R images drawn by Red and Blue guns
void | SurfaceS (double f, double D, double contrR, double contrG, double contrB) |
| colored surface viewed with stereo goggles
void | SurfaceS (double f, double D, double contr) |
| the same in gray-scale